Shawn Lowrey was nominated two years in a row for The Best of The Pine Belt awards.
His nomination of Best Attorney came as a shock for Shawn, but not for his father.
Erik Lowrey made Shawn a partner of his law firm in 2016. But he knew Shawn was going to be a skilled lawyer far before that.
Here is why Erik believes Shawn is so deserving of the nomination and award for Best Attorney in the Best of The Pine Belt Awards:
1. When did you know Shawn was destined to be a lawyer?
From his studies of Philosophy and literature, the door to being a practicing lawyer was the door that was open to him. Additionally he actually HATES mowing yards, clipping and the like which would put him outdoors doing sweaty work.
2. How has working with your son been for the firm and his career?
It always makes a father proud to not only watch, but experience the daily growth of your child doing that which they are so good at and grown into. He is a hard worker, smart and caring which makes him a wonderful problem solver…that which is the goal of all good lawyers. Anyone can make a problem…not everyone can find a solution…Shawn looks for solutions.
3. What makes Shawn worthy of the Best Lawyer nomination?
His dedication and work ethics to his profession, his self and others.
4. Why do you think people should vote for Shawn?
Shawn has been practicing divorce law for the past seventeen years, quite successfully and domestic practice is, in my opinion, the toughest branch of law to practice. Each day one is presented with horrible facts, emotionally wrought clients and a difficult vehicle to find a good and sustainable solution to people problems. Shawn has and will continue to do so with a good spirit, knowing that one cannot win them all and showing his clients how to take the long view and it comes to relationships and children.
5. Tell us something about Shawn that you think makes him stick out from others, whether this be professionally or personally.
The ability to compartmentalize the duties of the practice and separate it for when he goes home to his family and friends, allowing him the "off" time to heal and replenish his energy.
6. Why do you think Shawn is so passionate about The Pine Belt, specifically to Downtown Hattiesburg?
Shawn loves Hattiesburg, the place where he grew up and can see the great progress Hattiesburg has made and is making. He and his wife Ginger are totally committed to bringing back downtown Hattiesburg and making it the best it can be. His love of the town, the people and his concept of family simply make this natural dream.
Vote for Shawn for Best Attorney here.
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